Product Deveploment Consulting 

Is your company still trying to refine its hemp-based product categories? Let CMG customize a market analysis based on your company's available budget and specific goals. We will work to find the highest areas of market impact and potential sales growth for your company's future.

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Product Vision

There is a limitless universe of potential finished goods that can be produced with industrial hemp from textiles, construction materials, food products, and more. CMG will help you take your brainstorm through the visioning process to understand what is possible now and what will be available over the horizon in the near future.

Product Design

Once your company has established its hemp product vision next comes design. CMG will work with you to ensure your designs are forward-thinking taking into consideration available technology and best practices for setting up efficient manufacturing production lines.

Design Sampling

CMG will work with your team to source affordable quality design sampling of your hemp-based products.

Production Sampling

CMG will consult with your team on finding established manufacturers capable of handling a short-run sampling production.

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Contact Canna Markets Group